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Liposomal Science & Clinical Studies

Unlocking the Power of
Liposome Sizing

Ever wondered about the size of the liposomes carrying your dietary supplements?

At NatureNex, we delve deep into understanding the dimensions of these microscopic heroes to ensure optimal efficacy. Liposomes, comprising a bilayer of phospholipids, encapsulate vital nutrients, rendering them water-soluble for efficient absorption & utilisation in our body

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But why does size matter?

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Scientific research supports the pivotal role of liposome size in gastric stability and intestinal retention, ultimately influencing bioavailability (the amount of nutrient / vitamin absorbed & utilised in the body) . Studies reveal that liposomes under 500 nm demonstrate superior stability , intestinal retention and absorption, leading to heightened bioavailability.

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Cutting Edge Technology

At NatureNex, precision is paramount. We employ laser diffraction, a cutting-edge technique utilising the Beckmann Coulter LS 13 320 Particle Size Analyser, to measure liposome size. Our equipment measures liposomes of all sizes from from very small to larger liposomes (0.017 to 2000 micrometers)

Understanding D50 & D90 from the graph

Median or D50

This represents the average size of all the liposomes. For our liposomal vitamin C measured here, the average liposome size is 145 nm.


This indicates that 90% of the liposomes are smaller than this value. For our liposomal vitamin C measured here, 90% of our liposomes are below 351 nm.

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But liposomes aren't uniform in size as their size depends on formulation (nature of ingredients encapsulated and additives). Our standard liposomal vitamin C formulation exemplifies this variability, with an average liposome size of 145 nm and 90% of liposomes below 351 nm.

This meticulous attention to detail pays dividends in bioavailability. With an average size well below the optimal threshold, our liposomal vitamin C formulation boasts 12 times higher nutrient protection, superior absorption & utilisation compared to traditional supplements. In the quest for superior health outcomes, size truly does matter. Unlock the potential of liposome sizing with NatureNex

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Liquid Liposomal Vitamin C

Vitamin C supports healthy skin by increasing collagen synthesis and skin elasticity. It also aids the immune system in fighting infections and promotes healthy bones. Additionally, it acts as an antioxidant, fighting against oxidative stress for a healthy and long life.

Importance of this study

Traditional vitamin C pills have three main issues: the body absorbs them imperfectly, retains them poorly (flushed in urine), and releases them quickly (a constant release is required for maximum availability throughout the day for optimal nutrition). Therefore, to demonstrate the effectiveness of our liposomal supplements over tablets and offer a trustworthy remedy for current issues, we have evaluated their performance through clinical trials (bioavailability studies)

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Study Objective

To evaluate the bioavailability (an indicator of the amount of nutrient absorbed & utilised in our body) of liposomal Vitamin C vs traditional vitamin C supplement


Our Liposomal Vitamin C :
10ml/ 1000gram
Standard Vitamin C Tablet:
1 Tablet/1000mg

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Participant Data

Tested on 20 healthy volunteers who don't consume any drugs or dietary supplements on a frequent or mandatory basis

Age Range: 20 to 50 years

Health Status: Healthy

BMI: Normal (18.5 to 24.9 kg/m2)

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A 1000 mg liposomal/standard vitamin C supplement was given orally to healthy individuals who had fasted. Using the HPLC technique, the blood's concentration of vitamin C (ascorbic acid) was measured as soon as it was consumed, an hour later, three hours later, and six hours later


Results showed that our liposomal vitamin C has outperformed
the standard Vitamin C tablet in the following parameters:


When compared to regular tablet form, our supplement was 566% more bioavailable (a measure of how much vitamin C is absorbed and used by the body) for the same dosage.


Our liposomal vitamin C has shown consistent vitamin C (Ascorbic acid) levels in blood even after 3 hours & 6 hours of its intake whereas the tablet form had very low levels by that time.


The data indicates that steady liposomal blood levels were maintained even after 6 hours. The concentration in blood will likely continue to increase throughout the rest of the day.

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566% more available in the body than vitamin Tablet


Less likely to be eliminated in the urine since blood levels of vitamin C remained constantly high even six hours after liposomal application. Whereas blood levels of vitamin C from tablets were steadily decreasing


Resulted Time Release: Even & steady release of vitamin C in blood to keep you active all day


Therefore, Improve your health & well-being with our Liposome's sustained Vitamin C release


If you have any further questions, please email us at

To purchase our product, click the link below:

Buy Now
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Liquid Liposomal Turmeric

Turmeric aids in the management of inflammation in the body. It also acts as an antioxidant to prevent oxidative damage to the body by free radicals, promoting your overall health

Importance of this study

Traditional Turmeric powders & tablets have three main issues: the body absorbs them inadequately, at higher doses ( when exceeding the daily recommended intake of 400 to 600mg / day ) can be toxic to the body, and releases them quickly (a constant release is required for maximum availability throughout the day to keep you energetic). Therefore, to demonstrate the effectiveness of our liposomal supplements over conventional supplements and offer a trustworthy remedy for current issues, we have evaluated their performance through clinical trials (bioavailability studies)

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Study Objective

To evaluate the bioavailability (an indicator of the amount of nutrient absorbed & utilised in our body) of liposomal turmeric vs traditional turmeric supplement


Our Liposomal Turmeric: 250 mg
Standard Turmeric Tablet:
1 Tablet/250 mg

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Participant Data

Tested on 20 healthy volunteers who don't consume any drugs or dietary supplements on a frequent or mandatory basis

Age Range: 20 to 50 years

Health Status: Healthy

BMI: Normal (18.5 to 24.9 kg/m2)

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A 250 mg liposomal/standard Turmeric supplement was given orally to healthy individuals who had fasted. Using the HPLC technique, the blood's concentration of Turmeric (Curcumin) was measured as soon as it was consumed, two hour later, four hours later, and six hours later


Results showed that our liposomal turmeric has outperformed the standard turmeric tablet in the following parameters:


When compared to regular tablet form, our supplement was on average 31 times more bioavailable (a measure of how much Turmeric is absorbed and used by the body) for the same dosage.


Our Curcumin ( Turmeric ) has shown consistent & way higher turmeric (curcumin) levels in blood even after 3 hours & 6 hours of its intake whereas the tablet form had very low levels by that time


The data indicates that steady liposomal turmeric blood levels were maintained after 6 hours. The concentration in blood will likely continue to increase for the rest of the day

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On an average 31 X more available in the body than vitamin Tablet


Blood levels of Liposomal turmeric remained constantly high even six hours after liposomal application/ oral intake. While blood levels of turmeric from tablets were steadily decreasing & almost insignificant compared to our liposomal turmeric


Resulted Time Release: Even & steady release of turmeric in blood to keep you active all day


Therefore, Improve your health & well-being with sustained Turmeric release


This is a draft or simplified version of our clinical study for your convenience.

If you have any further questions please Email Us at Info@

Check out the link below to learn about the best ways to take in supplements for maximum benefits.

Health Tip
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The Trojan Horse In Bioavailability

Liquid Liposomal 

Glutathione is a water-soluble supplement & it acts as the body's master antioxidant, neutralising free radicals and supporting cellular health. It also plays a crucial role in detoxifying the body by aiding in the removal of toxins and heavy metals. Moreover, it helps boost immunity & reduce the risk of infection. Finally, it aids in tissue building & repair in the body

Importance of this study

Traditional glutathione & tablets have three main issues: the body absorbs them inadequately, retains them poorly (flushed in urine), and releases them quickly (a constant release is required for maximum availability throughout the day to keep you energetic). Therefore, to demonstrate the effectiveness of our liposomal supplements over conventional supplements and offer a trustworthy remedy for current issues, we have evaluated their performance through clinical trials (bioavailability studies)

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Study Objective

To evaluate the bioavailability (an indicator of the amount of nutrient absorbed & utilised in our body) of liposomal glutathione vs conventional glutathione supplement


Our Liposomal Glutathione:
12.5ml/500 mg
Standard Glutathione Tablet:
2 Tablets /250 mg

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Participant Data

Tested on 20 healthy volunteers who don't consume any drugs or dietary supplements on a frequent or mandatory basis

Age Range: 20 to 50 years

Health Status: Healthy

BMI: Normal (18.5 to 24.9 kg/m2)

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A 500 mg liposomal/standard Glutathione supplement was given orally to healthy individuals who had fasted every morning for a week. A blood sample was collected before oral intake on day 3 & after oral intake on day 7. Using the HPLC technique, the blood's concentration of Glutathione was measured as soon as it was consumed on day 1 , then on day 3 & finally on day 7.


Results showed that our liposomal Glutathione has outperformed the standard turmeric tablet in the following parameters:


When compared to regular tablet form, our supplement was on an average 64 times more bioavailable (a measure of how much turmeric is absorbed and used by the body) for the same dosage.


Our liposomes have shown consistent & way higher glutathione ( Powerful Anti-oxidant) levels in blood by 3rd day & finally by the end of the week, whereas the tablet form had very low levels from day one & were constantly low for the rest of the week


The data indicates that steady blood levels of glutathione were maintained throughout the week.




On average 64 X more available in the body than vitamin Tablet


Throughout the week, Glutathione levels stayed high via liposomes (oral intake), whereas tablets levels were constantly low/ insignificant


Resulted Time Release: Even & steady release of Glutathione in blood to keep you active all-day & 7 days a week


Therefore, improve your health & well-being with our Liposome's sustained Glutathione release


This is a draft or simplified version of our clinical study for your convenience.

If you have any further questions please Email Us at Info@

Check out the link below to learn about the best ways to take in supplements for maximum benefits:

Health Tip
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